How to Collect WVO

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Ways to Collect Waste Vegetable Oil (WVO):

Wvo collection pic.jpg UsedOil.jpg
  • Pump it Up! from the grease bin behind the restaurant into cubies or other containers like buckets with strong lids. Some people drive around with 275 gallon totes on the back of their vehicle or have barrels on trailers. You’ll need a collection pump with vacuum hoses. It is good to have a screen on then end of a collection hose so that the pump doesn’t get clogged or ruined from the chunky monkies. Use the same pumps from the WVO Cleaning section.
  • Get the restaurants to put the used oil back into the cubies. This is really nice as it makes collecting clean and easy. Plant Drive sells a funnel stand to make it easier for restaurants to pour it into the cubies. Use the same pumps(link) from the Filtering section.
  • Buy un-filtered WVO from another greaser, like at .50 a gallon ideally. It saves a lot of time and headache of collecting. It’s not hard to find people who have collected more than they can use and have extra-unprocessed WVO taking up valuable space. “Honey, I can’t pull the car in the garage anymore, please get rid of this oil!” Craigslist is a good resource for this.

I highly recommend to make friends with at least one other person running on WVO. Ask for a meeting, have some coffee, share stories and see if there’s any way you can help each other out. It is uplifting to share war stories, knowledge and share in the workload and rewards. Additionally, you will gain a greasy shoulder to cry on when the day comes when you just can’t go on greasing, you have a major oil spill, or it just feels like too much work.

Watch these videos for more ideas and advice:
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Further Reading