WVO Guide Register

Welcome to our unique, envelope pushing and community building site.  Are you wondering what Waste Vegetable Oil is all about?  Do you want to explore what it takes to run a vehicle on WVO?  Have you decided that you want to be a WV-Oiler and want some good information?  Have you started your conversion, collection and filtering process and need some additional guidance?  Are you tired of sifting through random bits of information on forums?  Well then this Guide willhelp you.  Even seasoned WVO veterans(you know who you are greasy pants) will likely find this guide as useful.  All we’re asking for is your email and you can have all the access you want.  Stay up late, wake up early, read all day if you like.  We’ll even refund 100% of your email address if you aren’t satisfied.

Our goal is to get more of you up and running on WVO, and someday have the pleasure of inhaling a large plume of your car’s exhaust having your eyes open wide while saying, “Damn, that smells good!”  Oh yea, it’s also kinda sorta AWESOME to be saving $1000’s of dollars in fuel costs.

So here’s what you’ll get:

A consolidation of appropriate and informative videos.  Organized and cohesive information around Selecting a Vehicle, Conversion Process, Pre-filtering and Collections information.  Links, guides and lists of vendors for parts.

The time is now.  Don’t wait any longer.  Check out our thorough, concise Guide to expedite your WVO conversion process while saving you hundreds of dollars and countless hours of time.  We did the work so you don’t have to.  Get up to speed quick and make informed decisions about converting your diesel to run on vegetable oil.

This is It can be done.  It can be done better  when you have an understanding of the complete picture of the process and a one of a kind set of resources at your finger tips.

This information has not been gleaned from book, it is not theory, but taken and consolidated from hard-won experience.

It is like a class or a boot-camp to get you up to speed quickly.

Register now and get instant access to one of a kind information.

Waste Vegetable Oil Myth #1

You can just pour used vegetable oil in your tank and drive….yeah!

No.  No.  I mean no, don’t!This will clog your tank and other fuel filters lickedy-split.  It will damage your fuel pump.   I’ve heard stories about mechanics having to clean out French fry bits from the inside of people’s fuel tanks.  Diesels, unlike our stomachs, weren’t designed to handle and process bits of tortilla chips.  Mmmmm tortilla chips…

Waste Vegetable Oil Myth #2

You can pull up to your corner Chinese restaurant and take the waste vegetable oil from back.  Simple right?

Please don’t.  You’re risking your life…OK, we haven’t got there yet.  You will however be risking your upstanding image in the community and clean police record.  It is probable that someone has a contract for collecting that Oil.  You would actually be trespassing if a rendering company owns the container.  Restaurants can also be protective of their garbage.

Waste Vegetable Oil is a commodity thus has value.  It should not be treated as garbage, but someone’s property.  Ask First!

WVO Myth #3

Diesels can’t run on waste vegetable oil.

Oh, yes they can!  Most diesels can.   Not as easy as you thought?  Well it never is.  Running on WVO is still affordable, possible and amazingly AWESOME.  There are techniques and tools to make it possible.   I’ve personally driven many different vehicles running on wvo, burned thousands of gallons of it and driven myself and family all over the west coast on the glorious, sweet smelling liquid gold WVO.

Register below to access the WVO Quick Start Guide and learn the fast and easy way.

100% Guaranteed

We firmly believe the guide will pay for itself with time and money savings.  We will refund 100% of your email address should you not find the guide helpful.