Why Owning A Small Dog Shock Collar Is Not Inhumane

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Does your dog have a lot of behavioral issues, especially aggressiveness? Are you finding it challenging to deal with? Then you should consider giving small dog shock collar a try. But before letting you know more about it, I must say, "The shock is the last resort." If you are done trying a wide variety of options to train your dog and failed, then buy it. If not, it's always wise to train your canine friend with the model of trust and friendship.

What do people think?

Many think that a dog collar should have never been invented! The perspective of thought is, "Any owner who uses a shock collar is inhumane to their canine!" So, it's time to face reality. Let's see what it does and why we must not consider an owner inhumane.

Working of a small dog shock collar

The truth is a dog training shock collar is not made only to shock a dog. It comes with three enforcements:

Shock to be very obvious

Vibration and

Beeping sound
Each of these applications is usable on their own or in combination with one another. With this device, you'll have different levels of intensity that entirely depends on the type of training you want to give. This equipment also features automatic ON and OFF that can even be controlled via a remote control. The automatic feature works best when your dog barks or shows aggression at people passing by.

Why is this device not harmful?

The aim of using a dog shock collar is simple - to teach your pet to be benevolent. And that can be achieved even without using the shock feature. Always remember, "High-level shocks are your last resort!" Your job is to set the shock collar to a level so that, upon activation, your dog diverts from its point of hostility. Now that doesn't mean you have to use a shock. You can use vibration or the sound or a combination of both.

Note: At the initial stages, your dog might ignore the beep then the vibrations. But after that when it experiences the very first shock, it starts learning. Result - Next time when it hears the sound itself, your dog will know, "Any further and I am liable for a shock!"

Finding the right level

To find a precise level start off at the lowest possible setting and then work your way up. Experts recommend you to avoid the use of shocks till it is possible. It is because most dogs learn to behave only under the influence of sounds and vibrations.

To summarize, it is unwise to believe that a small dog shock collar is brutish. Even, it is imprudent to think that its owner is inhumane. When you have the choice to use a variety of combinations, why use it unnecessarily? After all, the purpose of using the dog training collar is to teach discipline.

Note: Consult with your Vet before buying one.

Find out more information on why you should consider using a dog shock collar at securepets.com. Visit the website and learn how this device can help you with your dog's obedience issues.

This article is written by Emily Wilson on behalf of securepets.com, this is having topics on Dog house ac, gogenie.co.nz Air conditioned dog houses, Dog house air conditioner and heater, Dog Shock Collar with Remote, Small Dog Shock Collar and many more.